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Barney the dog inspires HAWL sheep farmer to use homeopathy

How one sheep farmer came to treat his sheep for abscesses, asthma and watery mouth in sheep.

Thanks to Barney the black lab, Sheep farmer, David Eyles discovered the effectiveness of homeopathy.

Says David, “Barney, my ageing black labrador, started to get difficulties with his back end and not being able to stand properly. As a result, we took him to a local vet who prescribed NSAIDs (Non Steroidal Anti Inflammatory Drugs). Within hours he was projectile vomiting and had diarrhoea which left us with an extremely ill and unhappy dog and a vet who could only suggest taking him off the Metacam.

We took him to a homeopathic vet who put him on Conium 30c. Within 24 hours, Barney was back on his feet again, with no vomiting or diarrhoea. Barney carried on with a high quality of life for another three years. (So, I began thinking there was something in this homeopathy lark!)”

After taking the HAWL course, David become more and more convinced and confident using it widely on his own sheep. He sent us some of his cases.

These are the comments David sent to us about his sheep.


“We have a good success with abscesses. Ralph and Malkior were Dorset Down rams. Melkior had been bitten by a dog in the upper part of one of his forelegs creating a nasty wound that turned septic before we noticed that there was a problem. A course of antibiotics was tried and this reduced the problem initially, but the wound continued to suppurate and then get worse again. Hepar Sulph, at low potency was used initially to encourage drainage and then high potency to finish off.”

“Ralph contracted a nasty abscess perhaps from a blackthorn, in one of his front toes. Again, on the advice from a conventional vet, antibiotics were given along with prolonged attempts to drain the abscess with a poultice but to no avail. The vet then advised amputation of the toe in question but this would have meant his ability to work would have been severely compromised. Once again, Hepar Sulph. was used. This cleared the problem after two or three weeks and Ralph continued to work for another three years.”

“A ewe had a very deep abscess which did not go black, but was nevertheless nasty. Hepar Sulph and Silica again resolved the problem, although she has lost the use of the affected quarter.”

Asthma in a new-born lamb

“A lamb was born with difficulty. The umbilical chord appeared to be already snapped as I pulled the lamb out, indicating that it had severed too early. Immediately the lamb drew breath, it started to wheeze severely. Attempts to swing it upside down to expel fluid from it’s lungs made no apparent difference, and although it clearly had the will to live, it’s breathing prevented it from getting up and taking colostrum from it’s mother. After attempts with Aconite 200c and Antimonium Tart 200c failed, I tried Ipecacuanha 30c with rapid dosing intervals of 30 seconds for about 3 or 4 doses. Within minutes, the wheezing stopped and the lamb recovered normally.”

Indicating symptoms for this remedy were:

  • Respiration < motion

  • Has to sit up at night to breathe

  • Gasps for air

  • Difficult expiration

  • Suffocative attacks from foreign substance in trachea

  • Threatened suffocation from accumulation of mucus

Watery mouth

“We now have a standard approach for this which is quick and has so far proved almost 100% effective: A spoonful of live organic yoghurt along with a dose of E.Coli nosode 30c. Carry on with this treatment twice a day for 2-3 days or until recovery. We have never needed to use antibiotics since this was suggested to us by Brenda Hall. However, there is a similar symptom of wet bubbling around the mouth, which is caused by the middle stages of pasteurella pneumonia which we treat differently.”

You can see a video of David talking about his research into the treatment of lambs after tail ringing and measuring the outcomes at the Homeopathy Research Institute video.

David Eyles talks about his research into the treatment of lambs after tail ringing in this video:


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