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HAWL Farmer used homeopathy to save goat with a punctured udder

One of our HAWL farmer has written to use to report a pleasing outcome using Ledum Palulstre on one of her goats recently:

“Yesterday we noticed during milking that one of our best milkers had been injured in the udder with a horn. Milk was dripping out of the hole and she was a little in shock.

So, I gave her a dose of ledum 200c, and sprayed the hole with herbal wound spray to help it stay clean and heal.”

To a HAWL trained farmer this would be an obvious choice. The outcome was very encouraging.

“When she came in this morning for milk it was as if it hadn’t happened … the wound had healed cleanly and she was still in good milk. She came up at her usual time too, so was feeling normal.”

Small successes like this are very satisfying. A puncture wound can become more serious requiring antibiotics which could result in the temporary loss of milk or infection which impacts on the health of an animal.

The farmer reported that it wasn’t the first time they had experienced success with Ledum on puncture wounds. So, why is Ledum the remedy of choice here?

Some Keynotes of Ledum are:

  1. Puncture wounds – such as those from nails, awls, bites or stings or a sharp horn. This keynote is similar to Hypericum which is also for puncture wounds or lacerations. However, Ledum is more useful where there is a contused wound (including a blow of some Ledum Palustre.

  2. The wounded part feels cool to the touch (or lacks heat).

  3. Ledum puncture wounds tend to be cold and blue-ish.

  4. Pains are worse by motion; worse at night and worse by warmth and the big tell for farmers and horse-owners – better for ice packs or cold hosing (despite feeling cool to your touch.)

  5. The affects travel upwards ie pain or swelling ascends.

  6. There is unbearable swelling making walking incredibly painful.

Both Ledum and Hypericum have the reputation as the “go to” remedies for deep puncture wounds particularly where there lies a risk of tetanus. Ledum affects the fibrous tissue of joints, especially ankles, tendons, heels and skin and so is known as a rheumatic remedy. However, in this case, it was a deep puncture wound involving a hefty contusion so Ledum was well indicated and worked well.

The HAWL farmer said she wishes goats were less cantankerous sometimes with each other but isn’t it wonderful that homeopathy can provide instant first aid in situations such as this!

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